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Boarding Options 

Hot 2 Trot Stables takes pride in providing a safe and healthy environment for our clients and our horses here. With many years of experience, no detail is overlooked. We take pride in maintaining a high level of quality care for all horses on-site. 

Indoor Board


Indoor board provides you and your horse the top level service and amenities. Horses get their own 10' x 10' box stall, daily turn out, blanketing, and of course fresh water. The cost of grain is not included in the boarding fees, but graining services are provided. You may choose which feeding program best suits you and your horse.


Each indoor boarder gets their own locker with saddle rack built in. The stalls branch off the arena and cross-tie area making riding comfortable by keeping you and your horse out of the elements. Grain is selected by you or we can make suggestions, since every horse is different you simply pay for the grain for your horse, there is no set price. Indoor board is $350 per month including HST for the Summer Months, $400 including HST for late fall/winter/spring months. 

Outdoor Board


Outdoor board is the most cost-effective way to provide quality care for your horse while also enjoying all the amenities the stable has to offer.


We have individual turn-out available upon request for outdoor boarders. We personally source quality hay for our horses which we feed and check twice daily. Outdoor boarders are provided with a standard locker. We have multiple paddocks which are rotated during the summer for optimal grazing throughout the season. Water troughs are heated in the winter and changed often in the summer to ensure your horse always has fresh, clean water available. Outdoor board is $300 including HST.

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